SEAS Advanced Training Program
Theory and practice
• Focuses on the advanced stage of treatment for scoliosis
• SEAS Self Correction with combined movements
• Evolution of the complexity of the exercises and of self correction
• Simplified self-correction for daily-life application
• SEAS exercises during brace treatment in different phases:
– waiting for the brace,
– brace wearing
– brace weaning
• SEAS exercises for thoracic hyperkyphosis, Scheuermann’s disease
• School screening for scoliosis and thoracic hyperkyphosis
• Adult scoliosis: active SEAS self-correction and exercises
• Specific exercises for adults and elderly subjects with sagittal
• Pain treatment in adults with scoliosis and/or sagittal misalignment
Presentation and discussion of clinical cases with patients already in treatment
and clinical cases prepared by the participants 1 month before the course (see
explanation at the bottom)
Half of each day, teachers will present at least two clinical cases (if possible, one
theoretical and one real). In this way, each day of the course about four clinical cases
will be discussed, so totally 12 cases during the whole SEAS II.
Ideally, 6-8 will be theoretical patients and 4-6 will be real patients.
First Day
Second Day
Third Day