Psychosomatic Osteopathie

Basic 1 and Basic 2

Basic 1 : 20-23/02/2025
Basic 2 :20-23/03/2025

  • The number of participants

    25 Participant

  • Course Duration

    Basic 1 : 4 Gün, Basic 2 : 4 Gün

  • Location


  • Course Language


  • Price

    1000 Euro

  • Pre-registration Fee

    100 Euro

  • Certification

    Certificate of Participation



In a two-part course series on psychosomatic osteopathy with Torsten Liem, effective practical approaches to the treatment of complex complaints and dysfunctional soma-physiological-experiential-context patterns in the clinical osteopathic setting are taught.
The main aim of this two-part course series is to convey new diagnostic and treatment approaches relevant to practice and new perspectives in the clinical application of osteopathy. On the one hand, advanced approaches and techniques are offered for osteopathy, which expand the clinical framework and the “toolbox” of practising osteopaths. On the other hand, new perspectives, principles and models make it possible to identify and link further clinically relevant factors with regard to health and allostasis that have not previously been taken into account. This is why we do not speak of a primary somatic dysfunction, but of soma-physiology-experience-context dysfunction patterns, which are taken into account in the diagnosis. We also consider which resources maintain the existing balance and which changes in the patient are possible with which osteopathic approaches at any given time.
The entire course series is designed to improve and expand the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for challenges and complaints that arise in practice. This includes cognitive, limbic, neurovegetative, immunological, biochemical, homeostatic and allostatic processes, the consideration of sensorimotor, vital, emotional, mental and spiritual components of consciousness, new and expanded palpatory approaches, the inclusion of the biographical life path and the developmental lines for clinically relevant osteopathic approaches, the consideration of multimodal and multidimensional resources that can be activated during treatment, skills for the co-regulation of patients in order to be able to accompany them into a dynamic state of balance and flow, and the promotion of goal-oriented proactive behaviour.
Between the two parts of the course, Basic 1 and 2, there will be two-small group work via zoom.
– Diagnostics Soma-Physiology-Experience-Context Dysfunction Patterns
– Therapeutic relationship
– Palpation of somatic dysfunction and ANS
– Osteopathic approaches to emotional regulation
– Stabilisation work in the osteopathic setting
– Dynamic resource organisation and co-regulation
– Indications and contraindications
– Osteopathic Felt Sense (OFS)
– 15-step Multimodal Bifocal Integration®
– Right-left balance and bilateral stimulation
– Solution of somatic-psychic dysfunctions with breathing techniques
– Myofascial vibration
– Chronic pain: Treatment protocol basic 1

Basic 1, 

Day 1:


·      Introduction round: motivation, expectation; Introduction to Psychosomatic Osteopathy

·      Symptoms, 

·      Soma-physiology-Experience-context-dynamics (SPEC-dynamics)


·      Homeostasis & allostasis in the 5 osteopathic models, 

·      Etiological & riskfactors, 

·      evolutionary point of view to sickness and health, 

·      Bottom-up, top-down dynamics, Competencies in Psychosomatic Osteopathy


·      Multimodal Bifocal Integration® (MBI)15 Step protocol:

  1. Preparation
  2. Identifying and assessing the load
  3. Localisation of the stress region
  4. Localisation of the stress direction of view
  5. Localising the resource region
  6. Localisation of the resource direction of gaze
  7. Hand position, palpation: 9 step protocoll
  8. Body field
  9. Rhythmic alternating focus
  10. Process dynamics
  11. Coregulation and other resources
  12. Squeezing the lemon
  13. Anchoring
  14. Vault and further distancing techniques
  15. Reassessment


·      Palpation of SPEC patterns-1, direct parameters

·      Safe place – body location, resource view, stacking palpation indirect


·      Grounding

 Day 2:


·      Awareness exercise, Q +A, 

·      specific PSO characteristics, 

·      5-4-3-2-1 exercise, 

·      tresor exercise


·      7 -step SPEC treatment

– Narrow down the treatment topic, 

– Associated stress-body region

– Associated stress-view

– Direct palpation 

– Auditive bilateral stimulation and alpha waves stimulation

– Breathing coregulation

– Tresor or anchoring at the end 

Day 3


·      Awareness exercise, Q +A, 

·      the whole 15-step MBI one partner


·      the whole 15-step MBI second partner, 

·      further application of visual, olfactory coregulations


·      Different lines of development, 

·      Therapeutic relationship,

·      Awarenesssynchronizationshared momentsatunement and disatunement

·      Contraindications,  

·      Q+A, sharing

 Basic 2, 

Day 1:


·      Q + A, 

·      Diagnostics and treatment of body posture, 

·      Diagnostics and treatment of reflexes 

·      Peripheral & central sensitization, 

·      FIngerdiagnosis,

·      Myofascial vibration technic 


·      Further diagnostics & treatment with Sensory channels and submodalities,

·      Modulation of sensory perception, 

·      Associating and dissociating technics


·      Further coregulations and stabilization technics like Ressource list, Inner helpers, inner healer, Emergency body, Resource chain as an emergency network, Resources for levels & 4 quadrants


·      Regulation of ANS & insula, Interoception, 

·      Significance of interoception in PSO, 

·      Interoception & emotions, 

·      Interoception & pain, 

·      Allostasis, 

·      Predictive Coding, 

·      Dysfunctional dynamic patterning in life

Day 2:


·      Awareness exercise, Q + A 

·      MBI advanced and exercise 


·      Interoceptive dysfunction, 

·      Discriminative tactile perception, 

·      Procedure for affective touch, 

·      Piezo receptor treatment, 

·      Stress reduction taking into account the insula and C-tactile fibres, 

·      Activation of posterior, 

·      Insula, specific vagus diagnostics,  

·      Multimodal Vagus activiation, 

·      Breathing technics for Insula


·      Activation of middle and anterior insula


·      EMDR protocol

 Day 3: 


·      6-step Osteopathic Felt Sense©


·      Chronic pain treatment protocol-1


·      Stabilisation Top 11, diary for documentation, motivation and adaptation, Sharing